Hamish, 16 years and 6 months...whaaat!, seriously, he is half way to reaching 17!. We don't know long we have left with this little guy but as long as he is happy, wagging his tail, eating and drinking and still able to get around comfortably then we are not giving up on him, he will tell us when he is ready, not the other way round. And since I am the only one that feeds and waters him, gives him his medication, pureed pumpkin and metamucil to help his bowels, I think I deserve a pat on the back and round of applause for getting him to this ripe old age! ššš. Tonight he will dine on steak cooked in olive oil. He just has to wait patiently until it cooks and cools down! š
We decided to tackle the living room this year, we have been wanting to get it redecorated for a while now but something else usually crops up. The last time it was painted was back in November 2015, so it's seriously needing a refresh. Instead of repainting it, I wanted wallpaper, so it has taken us a while to find affordable wallpaper that we liked. I wanted it pink and colourful to brighten the room up. We came across this wallpaper that we both loved from wallpaper direct, so we ordered it and it came less than a week later! We also ordered it in mint green for our bedroom, it is next on the agenda! We started by painting the ceiling white. Below are some before photo's. Excuse the countless rugs and beds, this 16 years and 6 month old is the culprit. We also thought it was time to do away with this faux window. Scott made it and installed it back in 2012, to give us more light in the hall, but a couple of years ago he installed a sky light in the hall ceiling, so it wasn...