Last night we got severe weather warnings about heavy rainfall and damaging winds for today.
Scott and I were sitting with a cup of tea this morning when we heard an almighty crash, we couldn't figure out where it came from but when he checked behind the gallery wall downstairs beside the kids rooms a huge chunk of the bank had fallen down putting strain on the wall, this happened before during our flood (see here) and Scott braced the clay rock with an old door amongst other things, but with all the rain again it loosened another part of it, causing cracks and bulges on the wall.
We removed the pictures and Scott set about bracing the wall with any bits of wood he could get his hands on.
The water was coming in from the bank at the back of our house.
Causing huge cracks in the bank and in turn allowing it to collapse against the hallway wall.
There is also a leak in the cabana roof!
We plan to remove part of the wall and dig away some of the loose bank then add a supporting wall behind the hallway wall to prevent any future collapses from falling up against the actual wall. Talk about an eventful start to a Sunday morning!!!
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