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Adopting Hamish And Taking Him Home

I recently came across these photos of Hamish taken when we first adopted him and now that our old man is nearing his 13th birthday (September 2021) I thought I would share these as a reminder of how tiny he was (not to mention less scruffy 😂)

On the 13th of November 2008 we were ready to adopt a different puppy, a little girl we were going to call Ruby (her kennel name was Carmel). The kids had picked her out and instantly fell in love with her, but as our moving date for our  house was still a few weeks off we requested they keep her for a few days until we moved in. During this time Ruby had to go through the usual vaccinations and de-sexing operation, where they found some complications and had to keep her longer to monitor her condition. 

Our little Ruby Tuesday cotton socks, wasn't she adorable.

On the 22nd of November the Dog's Home called Scott and I to come in to see them, they told us that unfortunately her condition had worsened and it would be kinder to put her to sleep. Needless to say we were really upset and worried how the kids would take the news. 
Scott and I went to the dogs home to say our goodbyes to Ruby. Whilst there Scott asked if they had any other puppies up for adoption and that's when they took us to see Beetle (Hamish).

His kennel name was Beetle, he was an 8 week old Jack Russell cross and he had been found wandering the streets of Glenorchy before being taken to the dogs home. He had been in the dogs home since 7th November but had only just been put up for adoption the day we spotted him. He was too young to be put up for adoption when he first entered the home and he still had to be weaned.

We asked the dogs home to keep him for us until we took the kids in to see him, we went home and took them in to see him right away, it was love at first sight and we knew he was the one for us.

A staff member removed him from the kennel and we got to play with him in one of the enclosed areas that allow people who are looking to adopt a dog get to play and interact with their chosen dog. 

Right from the get go we knew this scruffy little mutt was destined to be a member of our family, our sixth musketeer.

We wasted no time in signing the papers that day to adopt him.

Great news! I'm already adopted!!

We went to collect him to take him home on 25th November 2008 after he had been de-sexed and microchipped.

And into the car he went.

First walk with us.

Checking out our garden.

His first treat.

First day and night at home, 25/11/2008.

First bath at home.

Ready for bed.

Below are some photos of his first few days and his first Christmas.

His favourite toy until he wrecked it!!

First time at the beach.


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