Easy Prawn Head & Shell Stock

This is a great way to use up prawn heads and shells, it makes a delicious flavourful stock that can be used in chowders, stews, soups and sauces.

I had some prawn heads and shells in the freezer from Christmas so the amount used may vary depending on how much you have at the time.


300 g (more or less) prawn heads and shells
1 onion, peeled, chopped
1 carrot, peeled, chopped
4 garlic cloves, smashed
6 whole peppercorns 
splash white wine


1.  Add prawn heads to a large pan, using a potato masher, squash down on the heads to release more of the flavourful bits, add the rest of the ingredients and enough water to cover the ingredients by about 2 inches.

2.  Bring to an almost boil, then reduce heat to a gentle simmer. Simmer, uncovered for 25-30 minutes.

3.  Remove pan from heat, skim off foam with a spoon or shallow ladle. Strain stock through a large hole strainer to remove the heads and veg, then strain the liquid again through a fine mesh sieve. Discard the prawn heads, shells, veg and garlic. Allow to cool, will store in fridge in a sealed storage jar for up to 3 days or freeze for future use.

Just look at the rich colour of this stock.


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