I was sitting on the couch today, which directly looks out of the lounge room door, just before lunch time checking Facebook on my IPad when I thought I had seen something walking past the open door, there was no noise and the dog didn't stir so I never thought anything more about it, a few minutes later something caught my eye again, walking back the other way, again the dog didn't stir, which is very unusual for him, he hears the least little thing, I got up to take a look, went into the kitchen, then into my son's bedroom, there sitting on his windowsill very calmly was a blackbird, not making a sound, I slammed the door shut and went out the back where it saw me and started hitting against the window trying to get out, I went back into the room and tried to get it out of the room as it was pooping all over the bed, I tired coaxing, pleading and talking to it, as if the bird understood me! haha!, I am sure if anyone heard me they would have thought I was mad!!, I was quite taken aback by it's over all calmness, yes as I got closer to it, it would try to get out the window or jump past me to the floor, eventually after what seemed an eternity it did fly out the bedroom door and through the patio door that I had opened in the hope that it would fly out there, anyway, I was annoyed at the mess I had to clear up and wash, then I decided to look up what the meaning of a blackbird in the house was and I came across this article which calmed me down, you see I had just been thinking about my darling dad yesterday as it is coming up to which would have been his 80th birthday, he passed away in April 2014, so now I like to believe that this could be him letting me know he is always watching over us. Love you always my dear Dad. xxxx
Birds as Omens and Signs

For many centuries, our ancestors looked to nature to bring them important information on their health, love, prosperity, and more. Many of our ancestors relied heavily on the messages that birds brought to them, including Native Americans, the Celts, and many more cultures. Why not use the same methods as our ancestors and listen to what nature has to say to us?
In this article, we will learn how to look at birds as omens and signs and how to listen to the messages that they bring to us. We will examine the following birds and meanings:
Birds as Omens
- Crows, ravens, and blackbirds bring news of good passage and protection.
- Hawks represent clear-sightedness and vision.
- Owls are birds of ill omen.
- When a hummingbird hovers nearby it means you are capable of achieving the impossible.
- A bird in the house means different things depending on the bird and its behavior.
- When a bird flies in the window you may encounter an obstacle in your life soon.
- If a bird follows you it wants to be your guardian.
- Augury is using the flight patterns of birds to answer life questions.
- Dead birds represent metaphysical death and change.
Crows, Ravens, and Blackbirds

Blackbird Misconceptions
There is a misconception about black birds in much of Western society. Why is this? Is it simply because black birds are black and the color black seems to be associated with evil? Or is it due to many years of stereotyping the crow or blackbird to be a witch's familiar? Either way, the black bird omen seems to be one that sticks out in many people's minds when hearing the words "birds as omens".
I have to disagree and state that this black bird omen being an ill omen is an incorrect thought. Even the Native American medicine man Bobby Lake Thom who wrote "Spirits of the Earth" states that the black bird always has a message to bring, and it usually is not an ill omen. While the crow or black bird can play the trickster, they are usually benevolent and bring news of good passage and protection. The black bird's reputation as a bad omen is not based in experience or fact.
Source: https://exemplore.com/spirit-animals/Birds-as-Omens-and-Signs
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