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Showing posts from September, 2022

Cerys Made A Bag

  Cerys spotted some Halloween dinosaur fabric in Spotlight in the 40% off sale and fell in love with it, we weren't sure what we could use it for so I suggested a simple crossbody bag  ( I am by no means a seamstress so I was going with a simple design in my head that would be easy for her to put together). We cut the fabric into two rectangle pieces. We cut smaller rectangle shapes out of felt for the lining. Using the sewing machine, she stitched the felt ling to the bag fabric, she also made a little inside pocket for her phone. She sewed both sides together and attached D rings for the strap to clip into. We got a bag strap from the op shop for $1.

Million Life Game Store

This very pink game store has various games for you to play, claw machines, capsule machines, luck box machines and more. We didn't go in there to play games, I just wanted to take pics of everything fabulously pink! They also have a blue store.

Melbourne Day 3, 24th September 2022

Our final day in Melbourne! On the morning of the 24th September 2022 we all got up, washed, and packed for our check-out time of 10am. Our flight was originally scheduled to leave at 7.15pm so we had the whole day to spend in Melbourne. We went shopping at the Highpoint shopping centre then headed over to a Krispy Kreme store! We all got coffees while Jodie got a Milkshake and 2 donuts for later; Reese's Peanut Butter Cheesecake, and Chocolate Hazelnut šŸ© Afterwards we headed off to Northland shopping centre for more shopping, had sushi for lunch, Jodie spotted this amazing skull Halloween shirt for Scott in the first TK Maxx we went to but unfortunately they didn't have it in his size but she finally found one that fitted in the 3rd TK Maxx we visited, Cerys got a new pair of trainers, Halloween socks for Jodie, and a couple of mugs for myself. After lunch we went to DFO outlet at Uni hill. While we were shopping Scott got a call from the airline to say our flight had been de...