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Showing posts from April, 2022

New Kitchen Buffet And Shelves

24th April 2022, we decided to have a look in Amart furniture, big mistake!, look what I spotted, this absolutely stunning buffet reduced by $600. It is a sturdy well made buffet that weighed over 80kgs, it took Scott, me and Darren to eventually get it up the stairs and into the kitchen, it nigh on gave us all a hernia! šŸ˜–šŸ˜. While I still loved the unit Scott made a few years ago, I thought it was time for a change, something a little less cluttered looking. Everything had to be moved so that we could get the buffet into the kitchen. I love the fact that I can store things in the cupboards and drawers but I still need some shelving for items I want to display. We bought three lengths of wood to use as shelves, we also got some really pretty decorative brackets. Do we go for two shelves.... or three? We went for three and they are just what I hoped for! Would you believe it went back up in price this weekend!

Seafood Yellow Curry

 A tasty quick and easy week day dinner. A delicious mix of delicate squid, mussels, prawns and chunky fish with crunchy veg in a creamy curry sauce. Ingredients 1/4 cup yellow curry paste 400g frozen winter veg mix 400ml can coconut milk or coconut cream 1 cup water 800g seafood marinara mix (thawed) Method 1.  Heat a wok or large frying pan over a high heat. Add yellow curry paste and cook for 1 minute or until fragrant. Add winter veg mix, coconut milk/cream and water. Bring to the boil. 2.  Reduce heat to medium-low and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10-12 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Add seafood marinara mix. Cook, covered for 3-4 minutes until seafood is just cooked through. Serve immediately. Pour over steamed rice or just slop it up with bread. Enjoy

Painting Our Shoe Cabinet Pink

  Now that we have a new entrance to the house see here, we didn't want the clutter of shoes as it would be seen from the door, below photo is before we changed our entryway, as you can see the shoes were stored on shelving (the shoes are mainly Jodie's!!), we also found place to store the coats. As much as I would love the entrance to be free of clutter we had to be practical and find a neat solution to store shoes. I bought this bamboo shoe cabinet from Kmart which fits nicely under the glass brick window. But I wasn't keen on leaving it the bamboo colour so it was a choice between white or pink, pink won the vote! šŸ™‹. We started by spraying it with a surface prep which firmly bonds paint to any glossy surface, saves on sanding. It started raining so we put it in the small tent to spray with undercoat. Getting a second coat of pink. We added handles to make it easier to open. It certainly keeps the shoes out of sight and is a lot neater.