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Showing posts from May, 2018

'Fried Egg and Toast'....Fun Dessert

This is such a cute fun dessert for kids and adults alike, great for a sleepover breakfast. Depending on how many people you are serving, you can decide on the amount of ingredients you will need. This amount served 4 people. Ingredients 300 g Vanilla yogurt can apricot halves, drained 4 slices fruit loaf Method Spoon an equal amount of yogurt between 4 plates. Using the back of a metal spoon, smooth out yogurt into fried egg shape. Place an apricot half in the centre of the yogurt. Toast the slices of fruit loaf, spread with a little butter (optional) then cut into soldiers. Get the kids involved with this one.

Carrot & Ginger Soup with Vegetable Pad Thai...Trader Joe's

During our recent holiday to LA, we shopped at Trader Joe's. They have a great selection of ready made soup. I particularly liked the sound of the carrot ginger soup. I also bought a packet of vegetable Pad Thai from their freezer aisle, mixed the two and added some coconut milk and ended up with a hearty warming soup. Instructions Cook Pad Thai according to packet directions. Pour soup into a pan along with the coconut milk (use as much as desired), heat over a low/med heat. Add Pad Thai. Continue to heat until desired temperature. Serve and enjoy.

Jodie Eats Scotland... Sweets and Biscuits

  No kidding, this girl has a sweet tooth!!. Whilst Scott and I were looking forward to eating traditional Scottish grub, Jodie was drooling over the Scottish sweets and desserts. She would sooner eat something sweet than savoury, certainly doesn't get it from myself or Scott, I think she must have inherited it from my dad!, he LOVED sweet stuff, mainly cakes, biscuits and ice cream as apposed to sweeties but he was known to devour a crunchie bar šŸ˜ Ahh!, it was great to see these Scottish treats again šŸ˜‹

Saturday and S'mores

Last weekend was spent waiting hours at airports and hours on planes so it was nice to chill out this weekend with lot's of space. Saturday evening was lovely and calm so Scott lit the fire pit and the girls toasted marshmallows and made S'mores after tea. Hamish has enjoyed catching up with cuddles since we returned home.

Caroline and Graeme's Wedding, Piperdam 28th April 2018

CONGRATULATIONS CAROLINE & GRAEME šŸ’• This was the main reason for our trip back to Scotland, and what better reason than a beautiful happy occasion such as a wedding. Their special day (or should I say weekend) was hosted at Piper Dam in Fowlis, Dundee, an award winning luxury resort set in 650 acres of stunning idyllic Angus countryside. We left Aberdeen on Friday 27th April where we all checked into our chalets. That evening we went to Allan and Margaret's chalet for a bite to eat and socialise. It was great catching up with family. The wedding itself took place on 28th April. That morning the makeup artist and hairdresser came and we all got done up. Jodie's hair. Caroline's hair. Getting our makeup done. Some pre-wedding snacks šŸ˜œ George also attended, some of his ashes are in this beautiful keepsake.  Emily was one of the flower girls. One last spritz for Jodie and she is ready t...