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Showing posts from December, 2022

Christmas Day 2022...Part Two

  After we played a few games, we went out to the cabana to eat our prawn cocktail starter. We then opened the British gift package. Then opened our secret Santa's I bet you can guess straight away who was my secret Santa...Yep, Darren! šŸ™ˆšŸ˜œ I then dished up our lunch, we sat down to it at 3.45pm. I made Whisky and Irn bru glazed ham, balsamic glazed shoulder of lamb which we cooked on the BBQ, duck fat roast potatoes and homemade gravy. I was assured the meal was lovely, I still have not got my taste back yet after covid! We opened our crackers and donned our celebrity names Chris Hemsworth Hamish Blake Margot Robbie Darren got another female this year again šŸ˜‚, Bindi Irwin The Veronica's After lunch was finished and the dishes were done, we opened the rest of our presents. I bought this selection of beers for the boys to share but unknown to both myself and Darren, he had bought the exact same thing for Scott. So they got a box each šŸ‘ I got a Breakfast at Tiffany's eye m...