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Showing posts from July, 2022

Booking A Table At Karen's Diner Melbourne

Since we will be in Melbourne in September for the girls to go to the Billie Eilish concert on Jodie's birthday, we thought it would be fun to experience Karen's Diner. Information sourced Not to mention šŸ‘†... P.S if your name is actually Karen, they give you a free drink!!, guess who will be getting a freebie šŸ˜œšŸ’ƒšŸøšŸ¹. We were going to book a 7pm slot on 23rd September but they had sold out. So we booked a table today for 6.45pm on Friday 23rd September 2022. We are really looking forward to trying this place out, and just check the stunning colours of their menu šŸ’—šŸ’— I will be taking lots of photos on the night so be sure to check them out on the blog.

Detox Chicken Soup

Loaded with veggies, chicken, ginger, spices and garlic to help boost metabolism and immune system, this nourishing soup also helps cleanse and remove toxin build up for your system. Ingredients 2 tbsp olive oil 1 large onion, peeled, diced 3 stalks celery, chopped 1 sweet potato, peeled, diced 2 carrots, peeled, sliced 30-40g fresh ginger, grated 4 cloves garlic, crushed 2 skinless, boneless chicken breast 2 litres chicken stock 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1/8 tsp ground cayenne pepper 1/8 tsp crushed chilli flakes 1 1/2 tsp ground turmeric 1 tsp ground cumin 1/4 tsp fennel seeds grind of black pepper 1 tsp sea salt flakes 1 1/2 cups frozen pea 250g broccoli florets Method 1.  In a large pot over a medium heat, add oil, onions, celery, sweet potato, carrots, ginger & garlic. Saute for 5-7 minutes to soften. Add whole raw chicken breast, stock, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, chili flakes, turmeric, cumin, fennel seeds, grind of black pepper and sea salt. Bring to the boil,...

Daisy Wall Art

I fancied changing the kitchen gallery wall (just to keep Scott busy you understand! šŸ˜†), I wanted it to look brighter and more cheerful so we decided to repaint the wall, but what colour??. Well as one of my most favourite colours is pink that was what we went for but I also wanted a splash of bright colours to bring the whole wall to life, and what better than some hand painted Daisies to complement my blog name, Daisy Chains and Picnics, not to mention that yellow is Jodie's favourite colour. We started Saturday 16th July 2022, by removing the pictures etc from the wall and filled in the nail holes. We then chose the colours, cherry vanilla for the wall and happy home for the Daisy centres. 1st coat going on. I hand drew some Daisy templates I didn't want them to look perfectly shaped, I liked the idea of them having some differences and character. We then traced around the templates on to the wall. Cerys appeared at the wrong time, as she got roped into helping šŸ˜…šŸ™ˆ Once al...