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Showing posts from January, 2022

2021 House and Garden Projects

 Here is a recap of the projects we did in 2021. Our hallway makeover started 29th January 2021, see post  here Computer desk makeover, see post  here Hall stand cabinet transformation, see post  here Jodie's bedroom makeover, see  here New cacti beds, see post  here Front garden part one, see post  here Front garden part two, see  here Front garden part three, see  here Front garden part four, see  here Front garden part five, see  here Front garden part six, see  here Front garden part seven, see  here Front garden part eight, see  here New privacy foil and blinds on living room windows, see  here Cacti garden bed update, see  here Seating area remodel, see  here Seating area remodel part two, see  here Back garden update part one, see  here Back garden update part two, see  here

Mini Jam Tarts

  Cerys made these jam tarts. Quick and easy to make, just using 2 ingredients. Ingredients 250g ready-made shortcrust pastry, chilled 6 tbsp berry jam Method 1.  Preheat oven to 200Ā°C, 180Ā°C fan. 2.  Lightly grease a mini 12 hole muffin tin. Remove pastry from fridge, if not ready rolled, roll out and cut 12 circles using a 7cm cookie cutter, place each circle into the muffin tin.  3.  Spoon approx 1-2 tsp jam into each pastry case, don't overfill them. 4.  Chill tarts in fridge for 15 minutes before baking. 5.  Bake for 10-12 minutes or until pastry is golden. Leave to cool in tin for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Outdoor Movie Night...The Wizard Of Oz

Cerys is really into the outdoor movie nights and suggested we did another last night. The choice was between The Wizard of Oz or E.T. The Wizard of Oz won, we will watch E.T next outdoor movie night. Jodie was happy, her P.J's matched the film.