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Showing posts from May, 2021

Chicken Stovies

I like doing stovies in the oven but they can also be cooked on the hob or slow cooker. Usually made with leftover cooked meat from the previous dinner, there are a wide variety of recipes and ingredients, I have seen stovies made with lorne sausage, link sausages or meat free, I have never tried those as mum and gran usually cooked them with leftover beef or lamb. I had some leftover chicken to use up so decided to make chicken stovies, they were delicious, Jodie almost licked the bowl šŸ˜‚ Ingredients 1-2 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, diced 1 carrot, thinly sliced 1.5 kg potatoes, peeled, thinly sliced 300g-400g leftover cooked chicken 1 chicken stock cube 300ml-400ml chicken stock dash gravy browning Method 1.  Preheat oven to 190Ā°C. 2. Heat oil in an oven proof casserole dish on the hob over a low-medium heat, add onion and carrot. Cook until softened, approx 10 minutes. Add bite sized pieces of chicken and season, brown meat for 1-2 minutes, making sure it doesn't stick to the base of...

More Members Join Our Cacti Family

After dropping Cerys off at work on 20th May 2021 I stopped in past Bunnings, bad mistake!!, I spotted cacti reduced, not by much, down from $60 to $50 but I had been eyeing these beauties for weeks and I have so many plans for the back and front garden that require cacti and succulents, also they were nice and tall, in the pots below were the tallest is 30cm, 29cm and 24cm, I am super excited to get them planted into the garden, will be doing so in spring but I will repot them and keep them indoors over winter. (Our lounge room is beginning to resemble a  cacti greenhouse). It didn't say which variety of cacti they are but after some research I think they are Cereus Hildmannianus (hedge cactus). They have some sort of porous gravel that has been glued but I plan to break that off and repot them in larger pots. I have managed to accumulate a tidy amount of Cacti over the past few months, some will stay in the back garden, some will be put in the front. We repotted the smallest one ...