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Showing posts from January, 2019

Creating The Pool Area

Now that the pool has been installed and in working order, we are now concentrating on the area around the pool, building up so the decking will be flush with the pool edge, installing the glass wall panels, making a seating area at both ends of the pool and camouflaging up the ugly fence. We decided to use wooden posts for the glass wall panel as our back yard gets some really ferocious winds and Scott was a bit unsure as to whether the metal brackets that you can get to hold the glass would be strong enough, he felt that  by cementing the posts into the ground it would give a lot more support We dug the holes, inserted them and poured cement around the posts to secure them. He put paving stones down to give extra support for the joists that are going to support the decking, nothing but extra cautious is my guy šŸ˜‰ He built the steps with the same decking boards as the main deck. We painted the top half of the fence green to give some camouflage ...

Top 8 Benefits of Swimming

Now that we have a pool of our own we plan to do a lot more swimming and exercising in the pool. I came across this article at  here , it is amazing the all round benefits swimming provides, just a few minutes does wonders for your inner and mental health. 8 benefits of swimming whatever your fitness level 07/07/2016 No matter what your fitness level, the general benefits of swimming are yours to go out and grab and make your own. It has the power to give your muscles a makeover, transform you into a cardio king, turn back the clock, and calm you quicker than a secluded beach in the Bahamas. The top 8 benefits of swimming Full body workout.  Swimming uses all the muscles in the body so whether you swim a  gentle breaststroke  or hammer  butterfly , you will get a full body workout. Plus, exercising in water makes your body work harder so 30 minutes in a pool is worth 45 minutes of the same activity on land. Great...

Australia Day 2019

This year we spent Australia Day at home in the pool with a BBQ dinner. Unfortunately our blue sky was filled with smoke due to the on going bush fires. Simple yet filled with family fun.

Burns Night 2019

This year we didn't have our usual Burns night supper, as the temperature was pushing 38Ā° we decide to cook on the BBQ, but you can check out our previous Burns nights  here  and  here But we still made time to take some photo's šŸ˜‚

A Day In Photos...Doggy Play date

Jodie and Cerys took Hamish to Porsha's to have a play date with their dogs, judging by the photos below I think it was Cerys that was on the play date šŸ˜‰ And then we have grandma playing with her favourite boy...Hamish šŸ¶ Aren't dogs the best!!