Girls Driving Time

Since starting the girls driving at the end of January 2024, they are both up to over 60 hours out of 80 hours and 5 hours night driving out of 15 hours, they will be able to go for their P plates in no time.

As of 8th April 2024, Jodie has done 58 hours 30 minutes day time, 5 hours 1 minute night driving, making it a total of 63 hours 31 minutes.

And Cerys has done 60 hours 52 minutes day time, 5 hours 1 minute night driving, making her total 65 hours 53 minutes.

We couldn't believe it, that on the same day, they both have done exactly the same amount of night hours down to the very minute, when they have both been taken out on separate occasions for various different lengths of time!, the chances of that happening must be huge.


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