Around Here Lately....Front Garden Part One

We have been wanting to get our front yard tidied up for years now but there was always something else taking priority. The garden down the front was seriously in need to some new colourful plants as it is mainly green bushes that have been there since forever and there was plenty of space to add some plants.

We are by no means green fingered at all, everything has to be easy kept with the minimal of tending to, so basically it is the survival of the fittest in our garden!!.

I came across some reduced plants in Bunnings on Friday 16th April 2021 which were hardy and easy to grow, I got some ground cover and a few that will bring some colour to the garden. We started planting on Saturday 17th and continued on Sunday, so we will see how they get on. Our soil is very hard, clay like so it's a miracle that anything grows at all. Scott dug some holes which I added some multi-purpose potting mix and bedded the plants into it, we covered the soil with gravel in the hope to keep the weeds to a minimal.

There was a tall shrub in the back garden which I thought would look good in the front, we had planned to remove all the plants from that part of the garden eventually to make a neat decking area as these shrubs seem to attract mice!, nice and cozy for winter beds I suppose!, anyway, the reason I was hoping to keep this shrub and hopefully replant it is because my mum bought it when she was here in 2015, a tiny little shriveled thing it was but my goodness it has fought its way to the size it is now without any pampering, no fertilizer, no tending to and it has been up against the other plants in that bed which tend to run rampant.

This part of the garden tends to be a dumping ground for stuff and we wanted to tidy it up and get rid of the crap that we didn't need.

As we were in the process of planting in the front, Scott wanted to try to take the plant out and place it in the front, wow, was it difficult to remove, both of us had to dig to get to the roots but we managed to get it out and hopefully it will continue to grow in its new found spot.

The parts of the bush that had been hidden under the other bushes is a bit sparse but hopefully it will grow and bush out.

We had to prop it up until hopefully the roots take hold again.

We also managed to get a couple of the other plants out with roots intact so we replanted them in other areas of the garden.

Hamish was out with us all day, definitely wore him out 😂😴

Next step is to move Darren's car (which has been sitting here for at least 2 years now not moving!) to his place and get rid of the other stuff that Scott no longer uses for work, then remove the messy grass/weeds and cover with concrete to give an even, tidy space, which will hopefully be kept tidy!


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